Monday, February 15, 2010

President's Day

Once my hair gets so long that I find myself putting it in a pony tail everyday I know that it is time to cut it. The funny thing is that it looks a lot more blond now, probably because I cut all the red out! But man it still is crazy to watch all the hair fall to the floor! In some spots I took off 5 inches! But I know that it will be long and bugging me before summer is over so I never stress to much about it!

Jeff is so smart, I forget sometimes that he isn't just a smart alick. He has always been able to fix our cars and save us a ton of money by doing it. He wasn't happy that I was taking his picture, notice the middle finger starting to rise. But I had to document his handiness, he is book smart and car smart... the whole package!

Lauren is getting so big! She is able to ride her bike by herself for almost the length of our street, but she struggles with staying straight! I need to cut back on her alcohol consumption! But she sure looks cute with her little helmet and pink bike! I can't believe that she is going to be 5 this summer... where did my little girl go???

Chloie decided to take her bike out for a spin to make sure that it still worked :) The weather has been so mild that the grass is starting to turn green! The kids had a few friends over while Jeff and I worked on the cars and cleaning the house... Over all a great President's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy New Year

So I have been a huge slacker on updating this.. sorry! Life is a little crazy with Emerson gone, but we are adjusting. We had a wonderful time in Idaho Falls and Utah over the Christmas break, it was wonderful to see so many of our friends, we wish we could of seen you all! Jeff survived his first semester and did pretty good. I was a little disappointed with my grades, I received a B in my history class and the teacher hasn't responded to my questions as to how this happened. So I finished up with a 3.8 GPA but it could of been worse! This semester is a little strange so far. I have a professor that swears like a sailor and yells out the "F" word just to make sure we are paying attention. Very different from schools in Utah and Southeastern Idaho! But to be quite honest it is the class that I am learning the most in and the most challenging so I guess we take the good with the bad sometimes. The kids are all doing amazing and Lauren has started reading. It is so fun to see them get the concept and see their excitement for books. Adison just finished the first Harry Potter book and it only took him a week. He is so smart, just like his dad and big brother! All the kids are in gymnastics and Chloie is a natural, they have moved her up to level 2 already and they tell me she is a born gymnast! Jeff isn't so sure about it but he will come around, mostly because he doesn't have a choice! Other than that we are all plugging along and looking forward to the summer when we can be with you all again! Until next time, know that I miss and love you all!