Monday, October 13, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

We decided to carve pumpkins the other night. It was so fun! The kids were way grossed out by the goo. Every time they stuck their hands it they made a face and said OOOHHH Gross. The pumpkins turned out way cute and we had a good time.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Stealth Fart

So I love Emerson to pieces, he is hysterical! The other night Jeff and I had put all the younger kids to bed and I was getting ready to go to the store...we were out of everything! I ask Em if he wants to go with and he says yes. I expected him to say No because he has always hated going to the store. Well Jeff says he want to go instead. They rock, paper, scissors for it best 2 out of 3 and Jeff wins. Em pushes and asks for 3 out of 5 and totally takes it, Jeff has never lost. So Emerson and I head off to the store. He is telling me about school and informs me that he had the worst gas in keyboarding class and so he was farting the whole time. I laughing of course, and ask him how no one noticed. I then was educated on the fine art of stealth farting. The key is to spread your butt cheeks really wide so that they don't ripple when you let the gas out. I seriously almost pulled a Mandy and peed a little as a result of how hard I was laughing. Luckily the gas wasn't toxic or at least the kid next to him stunk more than Emerson did...needless to say the next time you have gas, remember spread'em wide to reduce vibration!

Stomach Flu

I hate being sick in general but the stomach flu is the WORST! It just knocks me down. I can function with a head cold and a fever actually anything but man that stomach thing is a killer. I think the problem is the fact that you never know which end it is going to come out of. Do you sit or kneel. I always worry that I have made the wrong far I have been lucky! But now my cute little boy has it, but on the bright side he NEVER has missed the toilet while hurling. It is really impressive since he is 8. In fact one morning I woke up and went in to my bathroom and noticed that there was puke in the toilet. I went into the front room and there was my sweet little Adison asleep on the couch with a bowl. When I woke him to see if he need anything and asking what happened, he told me he didn't flush because he didn't want to wake Jeff and I up. So amazing! Now Chloie is a projectile vomiter! I was at girls camp and I called to see how the kids were. Jeff told me she had thrown up all over the whole bed, the floor and the bathroom. That all happened on the first puke of a series...I was very sad that I wasn't there (NOT)!! Well I hope that the Flu doesn't visit any of you anytime soon.