Sunday, November 23, 2008


A big group of us went to go see Twilight on Friday night. It was so CHEESY! But it was so worth the price of the ticket just to watch Mandy mock the teenage girls. She had the opportunity to sit in a theater full of them and listen to them SCREAM every time Jacob came on the screen. She had me laughing so hard that I fell on the ground and had tears running down my face. So if you see Mandy reminder of her love for Twilight and call her by her new name....SPIDER MONKEY! But be careful she might hop on your back :)


Jodi said...

hahahahahahahahahahah that is very true! It was a pleasure sitting next to Mandy during the twilight movie!! I throughly enjoyed myself watching her squirm and huff at all of the giddy females in the audience!! Her very most favorite part was when Ed was glittery in the sunshine I just know it!!

~Mandy~ said...

Oh I HATED Twilight. I went to work today and that's all every one of my students were talking about! I wanted to pull my hair out and then lick a cow's b&**!

Hillbilly's said...

what are you talking about you hated Twilight ?! You were so excited when everyone would clap and scream you had to wait till everyone was done to be able to catch your breathe and yell for twilight too !! ;) ;) ;) BFL !!

Jodi said...

Hey Miss Angel!
time for a new post. I keep looking for an update since I never see you any more!! Please send us some news of the beautiful Butler family!!
Love Ya