Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good-bye SUCKS!

Well, we are down to the wire now...4 days and counting. I have updated my blog and changed the name, so that we can keep in touch with everyone. It is starting to hit me that we are moving far away. We have spent a lot of time visiting people and family as it is going to be awhile before we see them again. I have gotten so use to seeing everyone when ever I want I think I have kind of taken it for granted. I realize this is going to be the hardest move I have ever made. My mother even cried when I left and that has never happened before. I am going to miss all of my wonderful friends more than I thought. I had kind of convinced myself it was no big deal but I now realize the error of my thinking. I am trying to hold it together as my kids are having a very hard time the closer we get to the big move. I have packed up all the stuff I can and now I am getting rid of a few more things. It is getting close and I fear that no matter how hard I try to prepare myself and my kids we are going to have a very hard weekend. I am putting my trust in my Heavenly Father, he has always directed my path and has never lead me astray. I will pray for you all everyday and hope that you will do the same for me!
Love you all ALWAYS....Angel

1 comment:

Limb's Just Branching Out! said...

I will miss you immensely! I expect notifacation of when ever you are in utah!