Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School has started

Yesterday was the first day of school for Jeff, Lauren and I. It was very interesting :) I was really nervous, I totally felt like a fish out of water. I was stressed about finding my classes, getting there on time and if I would be able to get back to get Lauren on time. As usual all my stress was for nothing, it was easier than I thought and I was able to get everywhere without any major rushing. All in all it was a good day. Jeff is already swamped with homework and was up until 1 doing homework and went in early today to finish. I am totally going to be a single mom but it is for the greater good and my kids are being wonderful! Lauren has a wonderful pre-school that she goes to that she loves. They even serve her breakfast and lunch, one less thing for me to worry about. Today I only had one class and then had some time to go and use the gym. Who knows, I might get a better mind and body out of this whole experience!

1 comment:

bishop howell said...

Well it sounds like you guys are getting settled in. Lauren looks so grown up :( she's just not a baby anymore! Hope things continue to go well. We miss you guys are are feeling left behind (butlers, limbs, seibolds)and all of you left us with Mandy!!...??? :)
love Jodi