Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First day of School

It is finally here, I was beginning to wonder if it would ever arrive! First day of school, party on!! The kids were excited, Emerson was a little nervous but they all did great. Chloie got on the right bus to and from school, Adison waited patiently for her to get back to his school so they could watch and Emerson only messed up once by going to the wrong class at the wrong time. Over all a great day, Lauren had to be in the picture too, even though she has been going to school for the last 2 weeks :) Life feels a little calmer now, we will see if it holds out!


bishop howell said...

they really are cute and im not just saying that to be nice!

Bella Dyer said... to see your blog! Your kids are so cute. Don't you hate how they grow up too fast? So you and your hubby are both in school? That is so great..good for you two! I always hated school, cause I was not good at it! Aren't Devri's girls SOOO beautiful?! She is the same...cute as ever, and so wonderful!