Sunday, November 7, 2010

Clumsy ME???

Everyone who knows me knows how clumsy I am. Jeff always jokes that I could walk down a perfectly flat perfectly clear path and still trip and fall! My history of accidents proves this.... One day, when I was a teenager, I ran down the stairs at my house. I managed to trip over my feet and tumble head over heals to the bottom. I pushed my dress down just in time to see my family lined up at the top of the stairs looking down at me. Some how I had managed to end up feet up, head down on my back with my undies exposed. Fast forward to the future, I am at work into my second week at my new job.... I go to fill up my water bottle, trip over a child laying on a Lovesac and fall into a cabinet and break my thumb, four days before leaving for DisneyLand :) Next, again stairs! Chloie was sick and sleeping in the recliner to help control her cough. Being the good mother I am, I went up to her room to bring down her blanket and pillow... Trip, Falll = Broken big toe. And my most recent clumsy caused accident? Running late (as usual) to get Lauren from gymnastics. I rush out to the garage and reach my arm behind the huge dresser to push the button to open the garage door. My arm gets caught behind it and I get jerked back. My ear, is just the right height , gets smashed into the corner. I stumble dazed back into the house to tell Jeff he needs to go get Lauren. He rushes over to see what happened... The result? A nice gash INSIDE my ear. Blood poured out and my ear rang. It took a little while for me to find my balance (such as it is) again. Needless to say, "Grace" is NOT my first, middle or last name!!!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Oh Angel you crack me up! I sure hope your feeling better after your little mishap!!