Monday, August 3, 2009

623 South Adams Moscow Idaho

Here are a few pictures from our new Home. The front is Very BLUE, it is nice and clean inside. We are getting use to the smaller rooms, and no dishwasher, but we are having fun so far. We are all missing our friends can all come visit anytime~! The room with the 2 beds is the attic and Chloie and Laurens own playworld. We are still working on the layout and where to put everything, needless to say it is a work in progress. I love the shelves that are in the attic they are perfect for all the games and I have a table up there for them to play them on. It is kind of the opposite of my old house but instead of sending them downstairs to play, I send them upstairs :) I still have a bunch of boxes to unpack and my bed isn't anywhere close to being set-up but once Jeff gets back we will have a week to finish getting everything together before school starts. The Hope you in joy....


Jodi said...

love love love the new house it is really cute except for the fact that you have no dish washer!! I am glad you are much tougher than I and I'm sure you'll find a way to make it into a positive because thats just wonderful you!!

~Mandy~ said...

Um why is the couch in front of the door?!?!?! Is that so those crazy idahoans don't come iN? THat sucks for the no dishwasher thing, but the house looks cute!