Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I love my husband!

So sometimes I just feel like I need a little alone time, is that wrong? Well either way I felt like that today. I realized that Jeff is starting school next week and then after that I am going to be basically a single mom in a town where I know no one so I will have little time to myself in the near future. I asked Jeff if he would let me hide out in the other room by myself for the night and allow me to just read while he took care of the kids. He said yes and there you have it. I enjoyed a nice relaxing night all alone without fighting with anyone to do anything or breaking up any fighting. Of course the kids were on their best behavior with Jeff and he didn't have to deal with any of it but that's ok too! It was nice to just veg out with no worries. I think as women we all need to do this every once in awhile, you know just to recharge our batteries. I hope that all the busy women I know take any opportunity they can to do the same thing, it is good for the soul!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I must admit Angel you do have a pretty great husband for doing that for you but thats because you are such an awesome wife!!