Monday, September 28, 2009

Bitch and Moan!

I have to vent for a minute, so if you don't want to hear my rantings...STOP NOW! Otherwise, brace yourself! I am so irritated with the ward here, not one axillary organization has shown up at my house except the Young Men. I only know 3 ladies in the ward and 2 are in the presidency. The school's are just as bad. I volunteered at a Ice-cream social, hoping that I would get to know some of the parents while I was there. I stood next to 3 women and not one bothered to talk to me. I finally tried to make conversation and got shut down pretty fast as they took my topic and turned to each other to talk about it. excluding me once more. My kids are having the same problem, kinda. The parents wont let their kids play with mine until they met me. Fine I totally agree, but they also wont make anytime to meet me. No matter what they are always to busy meet or even talk on the damn phone! I feel like an outcast without any cause. I haven't meet my Bishop or counselors, maybe I was spoiled in Utah but really isn't that one of their duties? To welcome and get to know the new members. Chloie is suppose to get Baptized in about 2 months, good thing I am taking her to Idaho to do it! I have never had such harsh feelings toward any body in my life as I have towards the people of Moscow! Everyone said "you will love it there, everyone is SOOOO NICE!" Well apparently The Butler's don't fit in enough to be treated nicely, and it may be along time before I will try being nice to the jerks around here!


~Mandy~ said...

oH ANG!!! I feel your pain...... I think Utah is so wonderful but I think Idaho will be too.... I think you should hunt down the Bishop and tell him your name.... :)

Are you not speaking up in Relief Society just because I made fun of you when you asked what I thought the first time I saw you in there!!

Adam and Wendy said...

Wow, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I just about went less-active a year ago because of that scenario. I was so angry and bitter I would come home from church and just cry. Things did get better because of an amazing visiting teaching companion. I agree with Mandy, go hunt down that bishop and demand a calling. Even if it's just RS birthday card person or whatever. The Lord blesses us when we endure. You are an incredible, loyal, beautiful person and the people in Moscow will realize that and realize how blessed they are to have the Butlers. Love you guys. Sure miss you!