Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So I just have to toot my own horn a little. I am doing so much better in school than I thought I would! I was far from a good student in high school and I have been worried history would repeat itself. But so far I ROCK! I have aced all my quizzes and papers and my grades are throwing the curve high... to bad for the other suckers :) But it really is an accomplishment for me, ask my family, school was more for the social aspects never academic. Good thing that I am the old lady on campus with no time to socialize or things could be different. Again, there is a season for all things and my season is NOW! (because I am amazing in case you missed it)


Jodi said...

Tell me something I didnt already know!

Flints Facts said...

Nice job!!! Keep it up!!! We miss you!!!

Debbies awesome family said...

wow, your super woman. let me know if you can keep up the charade. i want to know the secret

Limb's Just Branching Out! said...

Isn't it nice to go back and get those pats on the back (grades) that you don't get as a mom! I would give you an A as a mom and a friend too!

Angel Group II said...

Thanks, guys! and I agree Holly, it is nice to get the pats on the back and I would give all of you A's as MOMS!

Angel Group II said...
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~Mandy~ said...

Wow...see 6 comments on your little post! TOld ya so!!

Its funny the things that we take more seriously once we start getting older. That makes you and Jeff super smart cause you are SOOOO olD!