Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween times 4!!!

Jeff is the President of the Non-Traditional Students Group
at the Law School. As a result he (and me of course) were in charge
of putting on a trick-or-treat event at the school. This marks day
1 on our candy obsession. This was on Thursday... I took the kids with
me to work....got them ready....and took them over to Jeff at the School.
They came home with a TON of candy. Well I could have been done there
but OH NO! Friday... the kids school celebrates Halloween in a Fall Fun Fashion.
They hold a barn dance. They teach all the kids K-6 country dances, have them
dress in their best county gear to preform for their parents. So Jeff and I spent 3
hours at the rec. center (kids all at different times of course) and watch the
hoe-down! Then Jeff gets talked into taking the kids to the Trick-or-treat
event held by the downtown businesses. They started at the hospital went to 90%
of the businesses and then ended up back at the hospital. There they decorated
cookies and did arts and crafts. I had to work until 6 so Jeff did this by himself
(GREAT FATHER AWARD!) We all got home around the same time...just in
time to get ready for the ward trunk or treat..... Again tons of candy! Saturday
after the race the kids insisted on going out again and Jeff dubbed me to take them
(fair is fair) and we went to the dorms at the U of I. They didn't get a lot of "good" candy but enjoyed the fun decorations and costumes of the college kids. Sunday...
I wasn't going to let them go out but all their friends kept calling and
wanting them to go. I gave in (bad mom moment)
and told them they could go around the block for an hour and then be done. Lauren
stayed home with me and we watched Dora:BOO and handed out candy to
the trick or treaters. The results of our 4 days and 5 locations of trick or treating???
2 Giant bowls of candy...divided up chocolate and non-chocolate. It is probably a
good thing we are taking up running!! Here are some pictures of their costumes...
all store bought this year... expect Adison's. I shredded some clothes and drug
them through the mud to create that true un-dead feeling!

Lauren Monarch Butterfly

Adison...Undead Hippy!

Chloie...Taylor Swift

Kids...Acting Like Their Father


Limb's Just Branching Out! said...

Holy Cow, that sounds like some serious candy! The kids were so cute!

Jodi said...

I'm so glad to see your posts!! I love being able to keep up on what your wonderful family is doing!!