Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Cookies

My family has never been known for being traditional, in any sense of the word. But there is one tradition that we have done since I was a little girl and that is make and frost sugar cookies at the holidays. It is a tradition that I brought with my to my own family and I hope that my kids will have the same wonderful memories of it that I do! Even though our kitchen is smaller than most people's bathrooms, we made due!

Lauren was very proud of the cookie she made. We are still trying to figure out if she got more frosting on the cookie or the floor!

Here is A.J. he was the first of the kids to organize the sprinkles on his snowman into a face. His personal face doesn't show it be he was very excited!
After all the decorating fun was over the kids, and Jeff were kind enough to leave all the mess for me to clean up. Just like we did for my mother. Wow another tradition that I didn't plan on!

And while I was cleaning frosting from EVERY WHERE, the rest of the family went into the front room and played supermario party8, over all it was a wonderful day!

While we may not have the monetary things that we are use to we are growing together as a family and finding that we can actually have a lot of fun together, what a wonderful gift!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lost but not forgotten???

Well it has been an eternity since I posted here, Sorry! Life is crazy at times and boring at others. I wish that it could all balance out. Life is getting better up here, a couple of girls from school, Emerson and I went to see New Moon the other night. It was fun but the Twilight premier with the 20 of us last year was a little more exciting! Holly was chosen as hottest girl at the table, Dariell hid in the bathroom to get us good seats and the rest of us rocked out to music on my phone in the freezing cold! Mandy booed and hissed through the whole thing while secretly lusting after Edward. So many wonderful memories! Terri and her girls, Jodi and Tori, Lisa, Joann, it was like I had all my favorite people in the world there with me! While life here is becoming easier, life in my wonderful hometown of Roy Utah will always be where my heart is!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Carving Punkins!

Adison got the biggest pumpkin he could carry. In fact it was so big it couldn't be weighed. All we know is that it weighs more than Lauren which is at least 33 lbs. He worked so hard on it!
Chloie rolled up her sleeves and dug right in. She wasn't afraid of the "yuck", and good old Emerson, he helped on Laurens for a bit. Lauren was a little reluctant to get her hands dirty!
But, she was allowed to do a little carving, and she really enjoyed that!
Emerson loved the goo, in fact he helped clean out Adison's as well, because it had a TON of guts inside of it. Some even looked like a skeleton. I tried to take a picture but it was too dark inside to see it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My Children are Brilliant!

As parents we all love to brag about our kids. Blogging is like an open invitation to do just that, so hold on to your britches cause her I go! Adison is getting all A+ is his class and they moved him up to the "gifted and talented" math class. I am so proud of him. His lowest score was 112%. And Chloie, who is in 2nd grade, is on a 4th grade reading level. Emerson, well it is just a given that he is smart. Even thought he is a year younger than all the kids in his grade he scored "Advanced" all of his testing. Lauren, well she is naturally brilliant, just like her Daddy! Overall I am very proud of how smart, and yet funny they all are. They don't define themselves as the "smart" kids but the fun kids. Jeff and I are honored to be their parents and we hope that they will always enjoy learning and growing!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All Better

Well, I have calmed down and the bitterness has passed! Nothing has really changed but the support of my friends and amazing husband have helped my attitude! Thanks guys! Well now that I have used a million "!", school is starting to get busier for me. I have a 2000 words essay, a 1200 word essay and a midterm in geography. But it keeps me from wallowing in self pity to be busy, so I will keep it. Not much else going on, hopefully soon I will have something good to write about, but for now... I am at peace :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Bitch and Moan!

I have to vent for a minute, so if you don't want to hear my rantings...STOP NOW! Otherwise, brace yourself! I am so irritated with the ward here, not one axillary organization has shown up at my house except the Young Men. I only know 3 ladies in the ward and 2 are in the presidency. The school's are just as bad. I volunteered at a Ice-cream social, hoping that I would get to know some of the parents while I was there. I stood next to 3 women and not one bothered to talk to me. I finally tried to make conversation and got shut down pretty fast as they took my topic and turned to each other to talk about it. excluding me once more. My kids are having the same problem, kinda. The parents wont let their kids play with mine until they met me. Fine I totally agree, but they also wont make anytime to meet me. No matter what they are always to busy meet or even talk on the damn phone! I feel like an outcast without any cause. I haven't meet my Bishop or counselors, maybe I was spoiled in Utah but really isn't that one of their duties? To welcome and get to know the new members. Chloie is suppose to get Baptized in about 2 months, good thing I am taking her to Idaho to do it! I have never had such harsh feelings toward any body in my life as I have towards the people of Moscow! Everyone said "you will love it there, everyone is SOOOO NICE!" Well apparently The Butler's don't fit in enough to be treated nicely, and it may be along time before I will try being nice to the jerks around here!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

County Fair

So the county fair was this weekend and the kids were buggin us all week to go. So Friday after school we took them all to the fair. It was funny because Jeff had never been to a small fair before, in fact the only fair he had ever been to was the Utah State Fair. Needless to say it was shocking how "small" it really was. We weren't there long because the rides were 3-5 bucks each or we could buy wrist bands that were $25 each. Being the poor college students we are, we bought 30 bucks worth of tickets, and let the kids ride til they were gone (about 1 hour). It was an ok way to spend a Friday night, it could of been worse :)
Lauren and Jeff going for a ride in the "Jalopy cars" Good times, good times!
We bought elephant ears to eat, the kids weren't sure what to think until I bought them and explained they were just HUGE scones, covered with Cinnamon and sugar. After that they chowed down, (except Em, he doesn't like scones..WEIRD!) But Lauren loved them the most I think!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So I just have to toot my own horn a little. I am doing so much better in school than I thought I would! I was far from a good student in high school and I have been worried history would repeat itself. But so far I ROCK! I have aced all my quizzes and papers and my grades are throwing the curve high... to bad for the other suckers :) But it really is an accomplishment for me, ask my family, school was more for the social aspects never academic. Good thing that I am the old lady on campus with no time to socialize or things could be different. Again, there is a season for all things and my season is NOW! (because I am amazing in case you missed it)

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Things are pretty uneventful around here. The kids are all loving school and Jeff &I are doing good as well. Adison and Chloie love the freedom they have here. Because it is so small and quaint, we let them walk into town and wander around. They think it is cool, they go to the toy store, rock shop, fountain, and playground. I am excited that they enjoy doing so much together. Really moving here has made us closer as a family as we have no one else to depend on. Weird how you receive blessings you didn't realize you needed!

Monday, September 7, 2009


The U of I has an amazing rock wall center. They let the kids free climb up to the white line. They had mats underneath them, just in case they fell. It was fun, Jeff and I even tried!
Adison was the first to try and got pretty high the first try.

Here Adison and Chloie went on the tallest wall. So proud!

Lauren got so far...Daddy was a proud papa!

Even I gave it a try, not to bad for an old lady :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009


This is a BEAUTIFUL area 20 min from our home that we found. It is a perfect little place to fish and hang out. There is no fee to use the place and you can have a campfire with no hassles...I am starting to like it here a little more!Adison and Chloie were trying so hard to catch a fish, they didn't have much luck but they had fun casting and reeling it back in.
Emerson was so patient and helpful to his little siblings! He cast a few times as well trying his luck!
Dad and Lauren, she had to have a turn too! Silly.

Friday, September 4, 2009

3 Day weekend!

Party time, or maybe sleeptime, way probably the later! I have a little homework but not to much, mostly review and Jeff is the same. He is even going to take Adison and Chloie fishing tomorrow morning. It should be interesting. I will have him take pictures for the blog, we will see if they fall in or not. We decided that if we are going to live her we might as well start to "try" to fit in, with all the fishin' and huntin' that goes on. The problem is no one but Jeff and Em like fish, but we are going to have to learn! It might be the only thing we have to eat by the time December rolls around! The kids are doing great in school, except Chloie got stung by a bee yesterday at lunch :( She survived and all is well in her world. We still miss everyone and are still trying to find where we fit in here but slowly we are finding a niche!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First day of School

It is finally here, I was beginning to wonder if it would ever arrive! First day of school, party on!! The kids were excited, Emerson was a little nervous but they all did great. Chloie got on the right bus to and from school, Adison waited patiently for her to get back to his school so they could watch and Emerson only messed up once by going to the wrong class at the wrong time. Over all a great day, Lauren had to be in the picture too, even though she has been going to school for the last 2 weeks :) Life feels a little calmer now, we will see if it holds out!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

We survived!

Well the first week of college has come and gone, we are still alive! Jeff has made it through his first week of late nights and tons of caffeine. I had survived young kids at college and home. It has been pretty easy so far. Homework as been a new thing for me and I am still trying to learn how to balance studying with my kids around. But luckily they start on Wednesday and so I will have the afternoons free, with the exception of Lauren-loo. I have enjoyed having my mind and thoughts challenged in a way other than whining kids :) We are finally starting to make some friends, mainly because we haven't unleashed our true personalities yet, we will suck them in before we let them see the real us! The whole family (Even Jeff and Emerson) went to church today and meet several other families in the same situation as us. The ward was very friendly and welcoming. If the Rolling Hills ward is even half as good as the original Country Lane ward we will be just fine!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School has started

Yesterday was the first day of school for Jeff, Lauren and I. It was very interesting :) I was really nervous, I totally felt like a fish out of water. I was stressed about finding my classes, getting there on time and if I would be able to get back to get Lauren on time. As usual all my stress was for nothing, it was easier than I thought and I was able to get everywhere without any major rushing. All in all it was a good day. Jeff is already swamped with homework and was up until 1 doing homework and went in early today to finish. I am totally going to be a single mom but it is for the greater good and my kids are being wonderful! Lauren has a wonderful pre-school that she goes to that she loves. They even serve her breakfast and lunch, one less thing for me to worry about. Today I only had one class and then had some time to go and use the gym. Who knows, I might get a better mind and body out of this whole experience!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Farmers market

Anyone who knows us knows that we are NOT heathly eaters. My husband has spent his life trying to put some weight on, as a result fresh veggies and fruit have never been on the top of my shopping list! Well every Sat morning they have a wonderful farmers market in town. We have heard wonderful things about it be as of yet hadn't made it. We decided that we would go yesterday and wow it was wonderful! They not only had fresh fruit and veggies but tons of homeade stuff. From fresh donuts to fresh bread, as well has lemonade, fresh honey and honey comb, followed by a bunch of stuff I have never heard of. Then there were paintings, carvings, clothing and jewelry all hand made. It was crazy! They also had live bands playing and dance instruction going on. We got fresh potatoes, corn and peaches and spent a total of 4 dollars. What a deal! We enjoyed the donuts, lemonade and honey sticks. We are so country!!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am so ready for school to start!

I am going stir crazy! Jeff has orentation all week from 8 to 5 which leaves me and the kids to entertain ourselves. It is hard to do, finding something that they all will enjoy. We went and walked around town today and showed Emerson the toy store and then went for ice cream. The kids rode their scooters because it is easier to walk them back up the big hills. While I was walking Lauren and her scooter up the hill she tripped and her scooter swung around and smashed into my foot. So my keepsake from the day is a swollen foot and ankle. I am hoping tomorrow will be a little less eventful! I have discovered I am defiantly not a stay-at-home mom! I enjoyed working a little each week, it gave me time to center myself and restore my patience. Going to school next week will be good for me. I don't think I could make it without it. And then the next week the kids go back, I just need to make it through 2 more days and I will be golden!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Finally all is right in the world!

Emerson finally made it home! It has been so weird not having him here. We all felt the difference of not having his sarcastic personality around, and Jeff was finally forgetting that he was balding (Emerson loved reminding him everyday!) We all drove into Spokane to get him, Jeff and the kids were able to go to the gate to get him. He isn't sure what to think of the town yet but he now knows where the worlds supply of grain and straw comes from! Then to top off this wonderful day we discovered that they have "Redbox" as well, sure there are only 2 of them for the whole town and everything good was gone, but hey at least they have one!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Family hiking

Daddy is so wonderful, he helps our nature challenged youngest through the wild. She had to wear her cowboy boots, not the best for hiking!

We are such a wilderness family, can't you tell? It was funny to watch Lauren she is soooo a city girl!

My way cute family hiking in the wilderness near our new house. So much fun!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I love my husband!

So sometimes I just feel like I need a little alone time, is that wrong? Well either way I felt like that today. I realized that Jeff is starting school next week and then after that I am going to be basically a single mom in a town where I know no one so I will have little time to myself in the near future. I asked Jeff if he would let me hide out in the other room by myself for the night and allow me to just read while he took care of the kids. He said yes and there you have it. I enjoyed a nice relaxing night all alone without fighting with anyone to do anything or breaking up any fighting. Of course the kids were on their best behavior with Jeff and he didn't have to deal with any of it but that's ok too! It was nice to just veg out with no worries. I think as women we all need to do this every once in awhile, you know just to recharge our batteries. I hope that all the busy women I know take any opportunity they can to do the same thing, it is good for the soul!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another day in Moscow

We had another nice day with Jeff today. We got up and hung out in our jammies for awhile. Jeff longer than anyone else! Adison went with his friends Luke and Yohan (yes that is his name no joke) and they took him on a tour of Moscow. He learned out the toy store, and wandered around town; he had a lot of fun. They came back here and Jeff took sometime to teach them how to play guitar hero. Luke's dad came over and introduced himself, Jeff gave a great first impression, playing video games at 12 in the afternoon still in his pajamas! It was awesome!!!! Did I mention that our new neighbor is a Lawyer with his own practice here in town...I am not sure Jeff will be going to him for a summer internship :) We finally got Jeff to take a shower, and we headed out again to explore the town. We ended up going to the Goodwill store, the craft store, the rock store and finally the Toy Store. It was fun to see the kids run around, the rock store was cool and we learned that the 6 ray garnet is the Idaho state gem and that there is a place that we can go harvest them ourselves. We ended the day going to the kids favorite playground, the one downtown and coming home to eat fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner. All home cooked of course! Another great day here...but school is coming soon :) I am way excited!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


These are just a few of the Pictures from around town. We found a playground in downtown Moscow. The picture with Chloie shows that one and the clock is right across from it. And the big building is Adison's new school. We had a picnic lunch there today. It is fun to have Jeff around for a little bit just to hang out with us. Now once we get Emerson here our family will be complete!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Starting to settle in

Well it took longer than I thought, but Adison has a friend. His name is Luke and he lives right across the street. He is 10 and goes to the same school as Adison will be going to. But I found out the weirdest thing! Chloie will go to a different school than him. They have grades K-3 at one school and 4-6 at another. Crazy, so Chloie will walk to school with Adison and then take a bus to where she goes. It seems a little strange but what do you do? So all of my kids will be in different locations durning the day, and then when Lauren is going into 1st grade she will be there by herself and Adison and Chloie will be together, but just for one year. I don't know how I feel about it but not much can be done. I now am just hoping we can find some friends for Chloie and Lauren. Chloie + Barbies do not add up to happy Chloie!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Washing Dishes

This is something that I was sure that the kids would HATE.. shows how much I know. The kids are fighting over who gets to do the dishes. They think it is the coolest thing...all I can do is hope that the love last 3 yrs. I am not holding my breathe. Once Emerson gets here and complains about doing the dishes I am sure the rest of the kids will join his pessimism.

Monday, August 3, 2009

623 South Adams Moscow Idaho

Here are a few pictures from our new Home. The front is Very BLUE, it is nice and clean inside. We are getting use to the smaller rooms, and no dishwasher, but we are having fun so far. We are all missing our friends can all come visit anytime~! The room with the 2 beds is the attic and Chloie and Laurens own playworld. We are still working on the layout and where to put everything, needless to say it is a work in progress. I love the shelves that are in the attic they are perfect for all the games and I have a table up there for them to play them on. It is kind of the opposite of my old house but instead of sending them downstairs to play, I send them upstairs :) I still have a bunch of boxes to unpack and my bed isn't anywhere close to being set-up but once Jeff gets back we will have a week to finish getting everything together before school starts. The Hope you in joy....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last Night

It is my last night in Utah as a resident. I have been packing, cleaning carpets and running around like a crazy woman. I have everything packed and 95% of things on the main floor or the garage. Tomorrow morning we will take down the bunkbeds and start loading the truck. We hope to be out of here by about 6 at the latest. But since we will be on Butler standard time probably around 8 I am guessing:) It is still not completely real to me, but now that we have found homes for our dogs and the house is packed I almost believe it. Jeff is so calm about it. He and Emerson are upstairs watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire while I am up stressing. Oh well, I am usually the chill one and he is the stresser, at least I know how he feels now. Well I am exhausted and ready to pass out. Good night Utah, Good morning Idaho!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good-bye SUCKS!

Well, we are down to the wire now...4 days and counting. I have updated my blog and changed the name, so that we can keep in touch with everyone. It is starting to hit me that we are moving far away. We have spent a lot of time visiting people and family as it is going to be awhile before we see them again. I have gotten so use to seeing everyone when ever I want I think I have kind of taken it for granted. I realize this is going to be the hardest move I have ever made. My mother even cried when I left and that has never happened before. I am going to miss all of my wonderful friends more than I thought. I had kind of convinced myself it was no big deal but I now realize the error of my thinking. I am trying to hold it together as my kids are having a very hard time the closer we get to the big move. I have packed up all the stuff I can and now I am getting rid of a few more things. It is getting close and I fear that no matter how hard I try to prepare myself and my kids we are going to have a very hard weekend. I am putting my trust in my Heavenly Father, he has always directed my path and has never lead me astray. I will pray for you all everyday and hope that you will do the same for me!
Love you all ALWAYS....Angel

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Almost Good-bye

Well, the Butler clan will be shipping out in exactly one month from tomorrow! It is hard to believe we are leaving here. We have been in Roy for almost 8 yrs and it is more home to me than anywhere I have ever lived. The people here are not just friends but family! To all the amazing young women I have had the chance to know, I LOVE YOU. Also to the friends of the Country Lane Ward, thank you for all you have done for me and my family. I will be back to visit, even if you don't want me to :). I am going to try to post the life and times of the Butler clan livin it up in Moscow, here, just so everyone wont forget us. So lets party and have a good time for the next month and then hang on tight because we will be back before you know it.

Love, Angel